Submitted by tessadavies on Sat, 17/05/2008 - 09:27.
This is Tanhouse, Southend Lane as it was in 1977. The chimney still stands, but some modernization has taken place since then. Back in the earlier part of the century, Tan house was a working sandpit. The lower part of the roof, at the back of the building was then a stable. There were two horses kept here and used to pull the carts of sand to Malvern. Apparently, it was necessary to change horses halfway up Croft bank as the loads were so heavy.
This is Tanhouse, Southend
This is Tanhouse, Southend Lane as it was in 1977. The chimney still stands, but some modernization has taken place since then. Back in the earlier part of the century, Tan house was a working sandpit. The lower part of the roof, at the back of the building was then a stable. There were two horses kept here and used to pull the carts of sand to Malvern. Apparently, it was necessary to change horses halfway up Croft bank as the loads were so heavy.